Why We Get Sore Muscles After We Exercise
June 16, 2023

We’ve all experienced it: the ache in our muscles after we’ve worked out. But why does this happen? And how can we prevent it? It turns out that sore muscles are actually an essential part of getting fit and healthy, as your body adjusts to new levels of activity. In this blog post, we’ll explain what sore muscles are, what causes it and why it is good for you. We’ll also look at some tips for exercising safely and reducing the risk of discomfort.


What are Sore Muscles?

There are a few different things that can cause sore muscles after exercise. One is simply not being used to the activity. When you start a new workout routine, your muscles aren’t used to the movements and they can become sore as a result. This is especially common if the exercises are particularly challenging or if you haven’t worked out in a while.

Another reason you might experience sore muscles is because of lactic acid buildup. This happens when your body breaks down glucose for energy during exercise, and lactic acid is a byproduct of this process. The more intense the exercise, the more lactic acid will build up and the more likely you are to feel soreness afterward.

Finally, you may also experience microtrauma to your muscle tissue when you exercise. This is tiny damage to the muscle fibers that occurs when they’re contracting and relaxing repeatedly. Over time, this microtrauma can lead to the development of stronger, thicker muscles. However, in the short-term it can result in soreness, especially if the exercise was particularly strenuous.

Why is it Good to Have Sore Muscles?

We all know the feeling: you just worked out really hard, and now your muscles are killing you. Why is it good to have sore muscles?

There are a few reasons why having sore muscles can be a good thing. First, it means that you worked hard and pushed your body. This is good for your overall health and fitness. Second, it can help improve your body’s response to exercise. When you exercise, your body adapts and becomes better at handling the stress of exercise. This adaptation process is part of what makes working out so effective. Third, sore muscles can serve as a reminder to take it easy for a day or two after a particularly strenuous workout. This will help you avoid injury and allow your body to recover properly.

Overall, having sore muscles after exercising is a sign that you’re doing something right. It means that you’re challenging your body and giving it the opportunity to get stronger and more fit. So don’t be discouraged when you’re feeling the pain and embrace it as a sign of a job well done!